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"a flamenco-tinged canter that wouldn’t sound out of place on a psychedelic arthouse film set in the Nevada desert." - Live Music Scene
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"Way Down South" (song - 2003)

James Hollingsworth © 9 Nov 2003

Running through the distance
Reelin' round
Reason through insistence
Meanin' sound

I done right... And that's reason enough for me
I deny that the whole philosophy is real

Ragin' onwards upwards round
Only waitin' for the sound
Runnin' in next to no time
Runnin' in next to no time

Keep in mind you can't regret it
If in time, hope to transcend it

She's a Woman , her power's gone
She's a Woman , yeah, he's strung her along
She's a Woman , yeah, she knows he's wrong
She's a Woman, helpless in the face
Of the warm, hard stone

Seeds sowing assistance
For the ride
Female thought resistance
Great Divide

Ragin' onwards upwards round
Only waitin' for the sound, of...
Way down South I can roll away.

"Singer songwriter of the finest calibre"
- www.queensheadmonmouth.co.uk

Freedom and the maelstrom of Misogyny. details
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   Originally from Coming Home to Stay, this song is also on Precession of the Albums and 13 Moons albums.
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Similar-Sounding Songs

  Been Far down the River (unreleased)

Conceptually-Similar Songs

  The Road it Carries Ever On
  (if only for its push for freedom!)



:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Way Down South ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

"Fast-paced bluesy folk-rock song from the heart - a gutsy, gruff and plaintive vocal, with a pleasant vulnerability if you listen for it, alongside urgent acoustic and blues electric riffs. We're reminded of early Fleetwood Mac, Cat Stevens, Richard Thompson, Doobies and Al Stewart, just to give you an idea... but James Hollingsworth has a blissfully original sound."
- Lemonrock, who chose Way Down South to be their Song of the Week, 19 November 2007.

"An innovative song, truly unique fusion of musical elements, I DIG IT!" - Voices - Outside the Box Two on KIAC Radio

It's hard to say exactly what Way Down South is about. Songs sometimes seemingly come out of nowhere and only years later does the meaning become clear. In this song I perceive intimations of the maelstrom of misogyny that often dominates society. It's about trying to survive without becoming cynical and insensitive. It's about keeping your eye on the exit which leads to the wider world and knowing when to make for the door. Pushing on, pushing on...

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